Andrea A. Venti Fuentes
B.S. in Computer Science // Minor in Mathematics @ University of Miami

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About me

I'm a Computer Science student at the University of Miami, with a focus in Mathematics. Originally from Spain, my journey in tech has been marked by academic distinctions including Dean's List and Provost Honor Roll honors, and a notable 2nd place in the UHack Hackathon.

I am skilled in languages such as Java, Python, C/C++, JavaScript, Bash, and Lua. Additionally, I have expertise in tools like Git, Docker, and frameworks like Flask and TensorFlow. I am comfortable working on both Unix and Windows systems, and I am fluent in both Spanish and English. I thrive in diverse environments.

My goal is to innovate in software development/engineering. I am open to opportunities for collaboration and growth. Let’s connect on LinkedIn for professional discussions and potential collaborations.

Feel free to visit my GitHub!

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FlaskKeyring: A Pinnacle of Full-Stack Development and Secure Password Management

FlaskKeyring is a fully-functional, full-stack web application that demonstrates my comprehensive skills in software development and a strong grasp of cybersecurity principles. This advanced password manager is built with a robust stack including Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, and AJAX, highlighting my ability to integrate multiple technologies for a cohesive solution. In FlaskKeyring's development, I utilized SQLite for local dummy testing, ensuring robust quality before updates to the remote PostgreSQL database.

At the core of FlaskKeyring is a focus on user security and experience. It features comprehensive user authentication, an intuitive UI/UX designed with dynamic content management via Jinja2, and prioritizes secure, efficient, and user-centric digital interactions. Integration of Flask-Mail with Mailgun for custom domain email services enhances user communication capabilities. The use of Bootstrap and jQuery enhances the interface with responsive design and interactive elements, ensuring a seamless user journey.

Hosted on Heroku for reliability and scalability, FlaskKeyring stands as a showcase of my capabilities in software engineering and cloud-based deployment. The application is a reflection of my dedication to crafting sophisticated and secure web solutions. Experience FlaskKeyring firsthand by visiting

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IndexNet Engine: Advanced Java-based Simulation of PageRank Algorithm and Web Crawling

IndexNet-Engine is a Java-based search engine simulator that focuses on replicating the web crawling and page ranking functionalities akin to Google's PageRank algorithm. This project showcases in-depth utilization of object-oriented programming to implement complex algorithms for web crawling, indexing, and page ranking.

At the core of this application is the class, which orchestrates the fundamental processes of crawling web pages, indexing content, and calculating page ranks based on the connectivity and relevance of pages. This class effectively handles large volumes of data using custom data structures designed to optimize search efficiency and accuracy.

The project demonstrates advanced algorithmic concepts, including the use of B-Trees for efficient data indexing and External Sorting techniques for managing large datasets that exceed memory limits. IndexNet-Engine provides a clear insight into the mechanics of search engines, making it a valuable educational resource for those interested in the field of search technologies.

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Unix Mastery & Automated Environment Setup: The .dotfiles Project

My .dotfiles repository is a reflection of my deep dive into Unix and Bash scripting, tailored specifically for macOS development environments. This project is not just about configuration files; it's a journey into understanding the intricacies of Unix and the powerful automation achievable through scripting. The centerpiece, the mac_bootstrap.zsh script, is a testament to this learning experience, simplifying the setup and maintenance of my developer environment.

The script’s functionality covers everything from basic configuration to complex setups, streamlining the process of setting up or maintaining a MacBook. It adeptly handles tasks like installing essential tools, creating symlinks, and customizing the macOS environment through a single command. This repository not only showcases my Bash scripting skills but also demonstrates a deep understanding of Unix systems, making it an essential tool in my development toolkit.

The .dotfiles project is a dynamic toolkit that has been instrumental in my development work. It's an embodiment of practicality and efficiency, catering to both my needs and those of fellow developers seeking a streamlined setup process. This repository is a window into my capability to create flexible, efficient solutions in software development environments.

Source Code

Raspberry Pi 5 Codepi Setup Guide: Seamless Integration and Development Environment

This Raspberry Pi 5 Codepi Setup Guide provides a comprehensive guide for configuring your Raspberry Pi 5 to work seamlessly with an iPad Pro via USB-C Thunderbolt 4 and USB Ethernet connection. It covers SSH setup using Blink Shell, remote access through RealVNC Viewer, and setting up Code-Server for a portable development environment. This guide ensures a latency-free connection and static IP configuration, enhancing your coding experience.

Achieving seamless local integration required extensive effort to configure dependencies, optimize SSH and VNC settings, and enhance the coding environment with tools like Docker, Neovim, useful packages and various programming languages. This setup offers significant advantages for developers, including a stable, portable, and powerful development platform that maximizes productivity and flexibility. Make sure to give the repository a thorough read to unlock the full potential of your Raspberry Pi 5 and iPad setup. This was a complex project that took a lot of effort to get it to work so seamlessly. Also, visit the Scripts repository which adds a lot of functionality to this setup.


GPA Calculator Webapp: Streamlined Elegance in Academic Tracking

The GPA Calculator web app is a straightforward, yet elegantly designed tool for students to manage their academic performance with ease.

This application allows users to effortlessly add and remove courses, input grades and credit hours, and calculate both semester and cumulative GPAs. The design focuses on streamlining the academic progress assessment process, making it intuitive and user-friendly.

Uniquely, this project was developed without the use of external UI frameworks or tools, showcasing a deep understanding of raw web technologies. By leveraging custom HTML, CSS for styling and layout, and JavaScript for interactivity and dynamic content, the app features a clean, responsive, and aesthetically pleasing interface with engaging animations. This not only highlights technical prowess in web development but also demonstrates a creative approach to solving design challenges. The GPA Calculator stands as a testament to the capabilities of pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in creating compelling web applications.

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PyPassManager CLI: Mastering Password Security with Python and Fernet Encryption

PyPassManager, a command-line interface program, is a testament to my expertise in Python programming and commitment to data security. This advanced password manager combines Python, Fernet encryption, and the Colorama library, showcasing my skills in cryptography and secure file management. It excels in delivering unbreakable 256-bit encryption, rapid key generation in under 50 milliseconds, and swift user authentication within 100 milliseconds, focusing on secure and efficient digital solutions.

The program is meticulously designed for safeguarding sensitive data, employing a robust file-based system for encrypted storage and integrating Pwinput for enhanced security. Reflecting my dedication to secure software development and user-friendly design, PyPassManager enforces strict password requirements and offers intuitive commands like "add," "view," "edit," "change," and "delete," emphasizing my commitment to seamless and secure password management.

Source Code

Space Invaders Clone: An Interactive Java Game Simulation

AlienInvaders is an action-packed game inspired by the classic Space Invaders, developed using Java Swing. This project showcases advanced game development techniques, including real-time rendering, collision detection, and comprehensive game state management, delivering a robust arcade experience. The main gameplay mechanics are handled by GamePanel for graphics rendering and user interactions, and GameState for managing game phases transitions.

The visual dynamics are enriched by the Explosion class, which simulates the destruction of aliens and the player’s spaceship with striking effects. Essential utility functions, such as file handling and routine tasks, are efficiently managed by the Helpers class, ensuring maintainability and enhancing the game's performance.

AlienInvaders introduces varied alien types with unique scoring impacts, adding depth to gameplay diversity. The game also features a UFO providing random bonus points, dynamic barriers for strategic cover, and a persistent local high score tracker for competitive gameplay. Enhanced with multiple alien bullets and increasing speeds, the game challenges players to adapt and strategize, escalating the overall difficulty and excitement.

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Mastermind Trilogy: Java Mastery in AI, Adaptability, and Strategy

The Mastermind Trilogy is an ensemble of three Java projects, reinventing the classic game of Mastermind. The first, MastermindAI, features an advanced AI opponent, showcasing my expertise in artificial intelligence and adaptive game logic. This project demonstrates my ability to merge complex algorithms with engaging gameplay. The second, Mastermind with Progressive Difficulty, elevates the user experience by dynamically scaling the game's difficulty, reflecting my skill in creating responsive and evolving applications.

Concluding the trilogy, Mastermind with Dynamic Guess Generation brings unpredictability with a strategy-based gameplay. It illustrates my proficiency in data manipulation and algorithmic thinking, challenging players with ever-changing scenarios. Together, these projects exemplify my comprehensive understanding of Java programming, highlighting my capability to develop sophisticated, intelligent, and user-centered software solutions. The Mastermind Trilogy not only demonstrates technical expertise but also my commitment to blending traditional gaming with modern programming flair.

Source Code

StockfolioHub: Real-Time Trading at Your Fingertips

StockfolioHub is a dynamic, full-stack web application designed to revolutionize the way users interact with the stock market. Built with Python and Flask and utilizing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for a responsive front end, this platform stands out for its user-friendly interface and efficient functionality. By integrating real-time data from the IEX API, StockfolioHub offers an accurate and up-to-date trading experience. This project showcases not only technical proficiency in full-stack development but also a keen understanding of user experience and market needs.

The application's core features include streamlined account registration, secure data storage using SQLite, and essential trading functions like buying and selling stocks, history of transactions, adding funds, etc. Hosted on Heroku, StockfolioHub ensures reliable access and consistent performance. The implementation of Bootstrap enhances the site's responsiveness, making it adaptable across various devices. This project exemplifies the effective use of modern technologies to deliver a practical and engaging financial tool.

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PlanetPath: Mapping Sustainable Routes with Geopy and Streamlit Integration

At the UHack Hackathon, I championed environmental awareness and secured 2nd place by crafting PlanetPath, an interactive Streamlit web app. Leveraging the Geopy library for precise distance calculations, this innovative tool educates users about carbon emissions and empowers them to make eco-conscious transportation choices. It's a testament to my commitment, perseverance, and problem-solving skills, fostering a greener planet one step at a time.

Notably, my role in this initiative focused on the technical implementation, while my partner contributed their expertise in crafting an intuitive UI/UX design.

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Weather Alert Program with Twilio and API Integration

This project is an impressive demonstration of my proficiency in Python programming and API integration. I have created a Weather Alert Program that provides real-time weather updates for any location through OpenWeatherMap, a popular weather API. The system is designed to be user-friendly, with easy-to-understand temperature and wind speed conversions.

To make it more convenient for users, I have also integrated Twilio, a messaging API, that sends prompt SMS weather alerts. This feature makes the Weather Alert System a practical and user-centric solution. Overall, this project showcases my ability to create effective solutions using APIs and external services, providing a valuable addition to any software development portfolio.

Source Code

Other Projects


Looking for a skilled programmer to boost your projects? I'm your guy! Passionate and adaptable, I'm ready to collaborate and innovate on your next big thing. Let's chat about how I can help you succeed. Reach out now!